Thursday, February 7, 2013

One Final Text Message

My best friend Danielle reported to the MTC (Missionary Training Center) yesterday. Before she did, I sent her one last super lengthy letter of a text. That was one of the last texts I was able to send her before the 18 months of no direct connection to her through her phone began. From here on out it is an email once a week and letters as often as I can send and receive them. The last text read:

Dear Danielle,
You are going to be an amazing missionary. Heavenly Father has sent you to an area where there are people waiting for you to bring them to the gospel. I am so proud of you and so excited for you as well. Keep yourself safe, soak in the experiences, take lots of pictures, and write lots of letters. As I said before, your family email is the most important but you type faster than Jess so if I can hear from you once a week too (even just a little) it would make my week every time. Hand written letters and post cards are great too, especially if there is a week where you run out of time at the computer. I will be looking for random cards to send you myself. :) 
Let Sora have some fun too. If you and your companion decide to go sight seeing or hiking or exploring, take her along for the ride and for pictures (unless she isn't feeling up to it and by that I mean unless you don't want to go hiking with a pony strapped to your back ha ha). Enjoy the country, the culture, and the people. As you explore and learn about them you will better be able to bring the gospel to them. Love the people...just don't go finding yourself a husband there (unless he is an American there on vacation or there on his mission) or your mother and I will be very cross with you. 
Things will get hard, you will get lonely and your inability to call or text your mom, your dad, your sister, or your best friend will get frustrating. It's in these times when you should take your fears and your frustrations to your Heavenly Father. Your contact with us will be limited compared to what you are used to, but your contact with him will be unlimited. Always follow the spirit and listen to his promptings. Heavenly Father has great things in store for you and for the people of Romania. Just do your best and don't sweat the small stuff. You are loved by so many and we are proud of you. Remember, your joy shall be great if you bring just one soul into the gospel in your year and a half among the people. Don't focus on the numbers, focus on the people. Love them and they will love you.
Remember, I believe in you, return with honor...and don't get eaten by wolves. :) I love you to pieces my muffin bran apple cake. See you when you return.
Breanna (the Shawn to your Gus, the Angel to your Fluttershy, the apple to your pie)
P.S. I find it interesting that you are going to Romania where you may get to see Bucharest because our budding friendship began with that team project for YA literature and we spent a lot of our time talking about Blood and Chocolate sitting at a table in the Smith lounge. It was meant to be. :)
We sent a few more messages back and forth before saying our final goodbyes. I have already begun my first letter to send to her while she is still in the MTC in Provo, Utah. She will hear from me a lot. :)

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